Monday, October 27, 2008

In the family

It has been brought to my attention (by those who are not on Facebook) that I haven't shared much info. about the family I am living with here.
One of my biggest concerns before coming here was my living conditions. It was recommended that the interns live with local families, to get a true sense of what life is like in Nicaragua. I was more than skeptical. I had had an ..ummm...unfortunate experience with a home stay when I was younger. I have also been living on my own for a few years and I enjoy my own space and routine. I don't share well.
I ended up being very lucky with the family I'm living with.
The owner of the house is Graciela, a 26 year old single mother of two. Her daughters are Ginger, 11, and 8 month old Valentina. Ramona is the live-in maid who goes home once a month to visit her 3 children.
It's been quite the learning experience living with someone who is my age (actually, I'm 11 days older) and who is a mother to a pre-teen.
The family has been incredibly accomodating and generous with me. They are game for anything. Whether it's hiking a volcano with a 25 pound baby in your best sandals, or collectively complaining about the opposite gender.
Ginger is an excellent translator for my terrible accent and embarrassing grammer; Ramona is teaching me how to cook with a gas stove; and Graciela's cheeriness is infectious. And the baby is just adorable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a cutie. the baby too.