Wednesday, October 15, 2008

It's not easy...being clean

I've been meaning to write something about cleanliness here in Nicaragua - and now I feel like I have some perspective to write about it clearly.
One of the first things I noticed here was just how dirty everything was. I couldn't help but focus on the dirt, the bugs, the general dampness and "ickiness" I felt. Everyone told me I'd get used to and soon enough wouldn't notice the dirt. I was skeptical but I believed them. I don't know when it happened but I do find myself more comfortable of the dirty factor. I'm starting to train myself to not notice all the garbage on the street or the stray dogs using the streets as their personal bathroom. I'm getting used to seeing ants in the kitchen, to having bugs magically appear on my body and the amount of dirt that appears on my face when I wash it in the morning (this after having washed it before going to bedOne thing I noticed, that made me change my opinion on cleanliness, was seeing how much people clean here. And how thoroughly they do it too. They have definitely put my cleaning habits to shame. The other week, I watched in amazement at how the cleaning woman where I live (Ramona) cleaned out her mop. She just kept washing it - when I would have deem the mop "clean enough" way sooner. And the floors are cleaned once a day - at least. Thanks to Ramona, I actually think my house in Nicaragua is cleaner than my apartment in Toronto ever was. Now if only those pigeons/dogs/mice/rats would stop making so much noise.

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