Thursday, October 30, 2008

Si, Si, Si*

I've discovered that I have developed three ways to say "yes" in Spanish.
The first is the kind of quiet "si" with the question-sounding inflection. It's the most common one. I use it when I have no idea what was just asked and I don't want to have to ask them to repeat themselves. I can only imagine what types of things I have said yes to. Once someone told me that their friend died. At first I didn't understand what they said so I said "si."
I've been told that when I speak in Spanish all my phrases sound like questions. That's because half the time I don't know if what I'm saying is correct vocabulary or grammar. So when I say something like "I went hiking this weekend", it sounds more like "I went hiking this weekend?".

The other "si" is my confident one - when I know what is going on and I can accurately answer "yes". It's usually to a question that I have heard a lot of like "do you have change?" or "are you tired?".

Lastly, my favorite is the "si, si, si". When someone asks me something and I figure it's important enough for me to understand - I'll usually ask them to repeat, sometimes a few times. When I finally figure what's been asked, and I can truthfully answer yes, the word deserves to be repeated a few times.

"You appreciate being able to run in your own language after stumbling in another one"

*I know, there is supposed to be an accent on the "i" in "Si", but I can't figure out how to add accents on blogspot

** I couldn't figure out what photos would go along with this posting, so I decided to add photos of some of the people I've interviewed for my job.

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