Monday, December 1, 2008

Cabbing it

It was recommended to me that, when homesick, instead of focusing on what I miss about Canada, I should think about what I´ll miss about Nicaragua. So, in true Audrey fashion, I made a list.
First on my list was that I will miss the the taxi experience here.
In Nicaragua, the custom is to negotiate the taxi fare before accepting the ride. I love the bartering. I will share my pride with whoever will listen to me when I can negotiate a taxi driver down from 50 to 25Cordobas (from about $2.50 to $1.50 Canadian).
There are a few tricks I´ve learned to negotiate a reasonable taxi fare. It helps that I´ve been living in this maze of a city for a few months now. Depending how touristy I look that day or depending on what part of town I´m going to - I can be often offered the ¨white tax¨. It helps when I can counteract the cabbies ¨but it´s so far¨ by saying ¨actually, no it´s not that far, it´s just down this street for a few blocks¨.
I´ve also perfected the shocked/I´m outraged look at the cabbie´s first offer, reading them correctly as to how low I can offer without them speeding off in digust and then the slow ¨fake-out¨walking away to see if they´ll admit defeat and accept my offer.
I know it´s going to be hard going back into a cab in Canada and watching the taxi meter creep up while stuck in traffic.

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