Sunday, December 14, 2008

Livin la vida luxe

Last week I was treated to a visit from my Mom and my Aunt Kerry. It was the first time since I've been here that I've welcomed people from home into my new little world. It was also a chance for me to be reminded about the old comforts of home. I didn't realize how much I had adjusted to developing world life until I got into a shower that had two knobs. One for hot water. I barely knew what to do with the option.
You'd think that staying at places with all the comforts of home would be easy. Having the luxury to stay in uberclean hotels, with "American" food options, airconditioning and cable TV. But I actually found it a little difficult to adjust to.

It was an interesting experience; to feel out of place in a familiar environment. I can't believe I'm actually writing this but I think I actually missed the rice and beans *gasp*!
Not to worry, it took a few days, but I did get used to rolling around in a comfy bed with a comforter and the power of a remote control.
And then *poof*, my turn as Cinderella disappeared and I'm back to showering from a paint bucket.

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