Monday, September 15, 2008

Living in the country

This weekend the interns were invited to Keith's house for a fiesta/picnic.
It was an experience in itself just getting to his place. We took a minibus (with more people in it than I thought was possible) for an hour ride outside of the city. We were to be dropped off in front of the clock in a certain town (bus stops don't quite exist here) and then took a smaller scooter type taxi outside of that city to the catholic church. Reading the directions before we left I thought we'd never get there. But, about 1.5 hours later, we were dropped off in front of the Catholic church and a neighbor showed us to Keith's place.
We spent the afternoon getting to know Keith friends, I tried to start a game of baseball that failed, and we took a tour of Keith's 5 acres of land where he is growing coffee plants. I'm having a hard time finding the words to describe the lushness of the surroundings and the simple way in which someone can live, so I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

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