Monday, September 22, 2008

Vamos a la playa

I apologize for the overuse of Spanish in my blog titles - but I can't help it. I was determined to get to the beach this past weekend and "Vamos a la playa" became my mantra. For many reasons, I needed to get out of the city. The pollution and muginess of the city was starting to get to me and I really wanted to get out and explore and see what else Nicaragua had to offer. I was fortunate in finding travelling companion in Dustin, another MEDA intern.
My only requirements were that I wanted to 1. Swim in the ocean and 2. Lay on a beach so we were recommended going to Pochomil - a small local hangout about an hour bus ride away.
When we arrived at the beach it definitely felt local and "undiscovered". Though there were restaurants lining the beach, capable of serving hundreds of people, Dustin and I pretty much had the whole beach to ourselves.

At first, the emptiness was a little disconcerting. But after a dip in the ocean, I wasn't complaining. Post-swim, it was time for lunch and a little siesta on the hammock. We shared a drink with another international couple (French and Italian) before heading back on the last schoolbus out of town. I could have lived without the long and bumpy bus ride back in the rain, but after a cold shower I felt refreshed and satisfied with a day well spent.

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