Friday, September 12, 2008

So Much to Say

There has been so much going on in the past few days that I don't really know where to begin. My head is bustling with plenty of little bits of information and I'm going to try my best now to formulate some complete thoughts.
The main thing that I have noticed since I arrived is how my expectations and my needs have plummeted. Last night I finally unpacked my bags. I remember packing in Canada and finding it hard to fit everything in that I thought I "needed". While unpacking, I felt like half of the "stuff" I had packed was frivolous. In Canada I am constantly surrounded by "stuff" and need many things to make me happy. Last night I had a shower with running water. There was no hot water, but irregardless, the running water was luxurious. Then I sat out on my porch, listened to some Bedouin Soundclash on my ipod, had a cold beer and I can't remember ever feeling so satisfied.
I believe they call my experience last night the "honeymoon period". My honeymoon seems to come and go. This morning, when I was woken up at 5AM by the rats or mice or whatever it is that lives on the roof of my bedroom - it was not part of the honeymoon.

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