Sunday, September 28, 2008

Out and about in Managua

As I formulate my thoughts for my next blog entry, I thought I would post a few photos around Managua to satisfy anyone's cravings for a blog update.

The address to my home is "from the tree, in the San Judas neighbourhood, 2 blocks south and 2 blocks up". This is a photo of said tree "el ceibo".

This is the truck that I use as a marker for where I live. I don't think the truck is going anywhere anytime soon.

A lot of the streets here use these stones as paving. I've been told it's easier to fix the streets after an earthquake if they use these stones instead of pavement. But they also cause for a bumpy ride.

Ginger's cousins (though "cousin" is used loosely) outside my house. You can see my second floor room at the top left.

Something I am still getting used to seeing in Managua are the occasional horses as a means of transportation. I was the recipient of many whistles and cat calls from these guys after I busted out the pink camera to take this photo.

Another shot of horses in traffic.

1 comment:

Culture Vulture said...

Your horse and cart photo makes me think of our Mennonite adventure!