Monday, September 29, 2008

Working Conditions

I am not a self-starter. In my first ever job evaluation, it was a main criticism my employer had (that and that I didn’t smile enough) and it’s been something that I have been trying to work on ever since. Therefore, I tend to make bold decisions that force me into situations where I have to step up and be proactive. Taking this internship in Nicaragua was one of those bold decisions. I was informed that this job would be “self-directed” and I was excited and nervous for the challenge. Along with all the cultural changes, it has been quite an adjustment having a job where my boss is in a different country, and a different time zone. I have the freedom to decide upon my own hours, office space and deadlines. Sounds like an ideal job – but I’ve found it to be very daunting. I am grateful for my supervisors who are giving me the benefit of the doubt and have the patience while I try and figure this all out on my own. I’m trying to enjoy this process and am learning a lot about myself and my work ethic in the meantime.
While I'm trying to figure out what work schedule works best for me, I've been taking photos at the office.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice grounds. Everything looks so green!

Foliage is dying out and getting ready for winter here.